The mission of the Family Foundation of Southwest Louisiana is to connect donors to the priorities that enhance the quality of family and community life for generations to come.
We believe that investing in families secures the future of our communities. Through the power of giving, family and community dreams are positively affected.
The Foundation was established in 2000 to serve Southwest Louisiana people. The Family Foundation of Southwest Louisiana is committed to connecting donors to children, families and community development priorities.
The Foundation recognizes the need to engage in activities such as:
- Creating an endowment for Family & Youth, a family service agency established in 1970.
- Promoting excellence in the nonprofit sector.
- Promoting Philanthropy at all levels.
2024 Board of Trustees
Steven Perez, Chair
Steve Kuypers, Vice Chair
Richman Reinauer, Secretary
Doug Como, Treasurer
Mark Hanudel, FYCA Liaison
Kay Barnett
Tommy Eastman
Caitlin Guillory
Michael Hankins
Ben Marriner
Kevin Melton
Jackie St. Romain
Foundation Initiatives
Philanthropy is the act of individual citizens contributing money or goods, along with their time and skills, to promote the well-being of others and the betterment of the community. The Family Foundation promotes philanthropic activities, primarily in Southwest Louisiana, and works to connect donors, philanthropic organization, foundations, and corporations to community priorities that will enhance the quality of family and community life for generations to come.
In addition to developing an endowment to sustain the divisions of Family & Youth, the Family Foundation:
- Promotes development of local philanthropy.
- Assists nonprofits in developing their fund development programs.
- Promotes accountable fund development practices.
- Encourages public recognition of philanthropies and philanthropists in Southwest Louisiana.
Click here to view or download our Promotion of Philanthropy Card
Nonprofit organizations play a key role in improving and maintaining the quality of life in communities. They provide important services, such as meeting critical needs of families in distress, responding in times of need, providing job training, feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless and displaced and much more. Nonprofit organizations are consistently on the front lines, providing immediate services in the wake of tragedy and disaster and sticking around long after public interest has waned.
The Family Foundation of Southwest Louisiana supports leadership development in the nonprofit sector. Developing excellence in nonprofit organizations promotes honesty, integrity, fairness, respect, trust, responsibility and accountability.
The Family Foundation assists nonprofit organizations with information, training and education in key organizational areas, including:
Family Foundation of Southwest Louisiana is committed to meeting the needs of families in Southwest Louisiana. Therefore, as the community grows so must Family & Youth and Family Foundation. That is the goal of the Capital Campaign. It was created to provide funding for a building expansion, which will ensure that Family & Youth’s divisions will have the resources and capabilities to welcome and serve anyone who needs our help in our community.
2019 Family Foundation Donors
Donors are connected to our mission of enhancing the quality of family and community life for generations to come.
Delta Downs Racetrack Casino & Hotel
Calcasieu Parish District Attorney's Office, John DeRosier
Calcasieu Parish Sheriff's Office, Tony Mancuso
City of Lake Charles, Mayor Nic Hunter
Energy Transfer
Perry, Christine
Stine Lumber
Galan, Julio & Maria
Evans, Jim & Jean
Hankins, Michael & Kari
Merchants & Farmers Bank
Mitchell, Mark & Michele
Generous Donor
Southwest Beverage Company
J & & Exterminating
JD Bank
Hanudel, Mark
Gehrig, Doug & Gay
Fenet, Courtney & Sally
Hancock Whitney Bank
Lanza, Danny
Reddoch, Leo & Heather
Beauregard Parish DA
Southside Machine Works, Inc.
Magnolia LNG
DeRouen, Girola & Associates |
Sasol Gives |
Andersen, Kerry |
Fulair, Inc. |
Morris, Caitlin |
Hebert, Jason |
Audubon Nature Institute |
Fontenot, John |
Goodloe Architechts |

Individuals who have established an endowment with Family Foundation support the development of a culture of philanthropy and have invested in the future by leaving a legacy for the next generation.
Juliet Hardtner, 2001 Entergy Corporation, 2002 Whitney National Bank, 2002 Laura & Buddy Leach, 2002 First Federal Bank, 2002 Cameron State Bank, 2004 Lake Charles Toyota, 2005 L’Auberge Casino Resort, 2005 Andrew & Lania Vanchiere, 2006 Robert & Eileen Piper, 2007 AT&T, 2007 McDonald’s of Lake Charles, 2008 Sam Hebert Financial Group, 2009 SASOL North America, 2010 W.A. Glasspool, Jr., 2010 Sam & Denise Hebert, 2010 Christine Perry and Children, 2011 Ward 3 Marshal Joey Alcede, 2011 Friends of Shannon Cox, 2011 Employees of Chennault International Airport Authority, 2011 New York Life, 2012 |
Dr. & Mrs. Scott Bergstedt, 2012 Rick and Donna Richard, 2013 American Press Foundation, 2013 John & Sylvia Stelly, 2013 Delta Downs Racetrack and Casino, 2013 Nissan of Lake Charles, 2013 Ed, Madeline, Dori & Edward, 2013 Sylvester Myers, 2013 Friends of Family & Youth, 2013 Langley, Williams, and Associates, LLC, 2013 Jim & Jean Evans, 2014 G2X Energy, Inc., 2014 Ben & Molly Marriner, 2014 Dr. Jay R. Maust II & Mrs. Jules Maust, 2014 Tim Broussard and J&J Exterminating Company, 2014 The Family of Mollie Courmier Broussard, 2014 Mark & Kathy Hanudel, 2014 Louise Cooper Glasspool, 2016 Lake Charles LNG, 2016 Employees of Energy Transfer, 2016 |
Friends & Family of Dr. Alberto Alcantara Joseph & Cathy Banks Cameron LNG Dr. Candis Carr Capital One Bank Pedro & Carmen Rosa Choucino Phil & Lucie Earhart Jeff Davis Bank Julio & Maria Galan Doug & Gay Gehrig Lake Charles Racquet Club Nancy Sylvester Trunkline LNG The Family of Dr. Charles Vanchiere Women & Children’s Hospital Dr. & Mrs. Gregory Bowling |
Dr. & Mrs. Stuart Landry PPG Industries The Family of E. Leo Reddoch, III Joe & Janet Stoma Northwestern Mutual Fontenot & Camara Family McElveen Insurance, LLC Randy & Shari Davis John & Cindy Surles Darren & Suzanne Labove Steve & Ann Kuypers & Children Dr. & Mrs. A.T. Ordinario, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James Gobert Marty & Julie DeRouen Stream Wetland Services Toujours Planning, LLC |
Capital Campaign Donors
Donors to the Capital Campaign have committed to the expansion of Family & Youth's services and impact in the community.
Delta Downs Racetrack Casino & Hotel
Marshall Legacy Foundation
Calcasieu Parish District Attorney's Office
Calcasieu Parish Sheriff's Office
Family & Youth
City of Lake Charles
Gehrig, Doug & Gay
Marriner, Ben & Molly
Romero, Clodile
Fab Industries
First Federal Bank of Louisiana
In Memory of Vida Vincent Pumpelly
Merchants & Farmers Bank
In Honor of Forensic Interviewers
Stine Lumber